tplink wifi router devices need to configured accurately and you will need to login to tp link modem window for your devices. Using http:// web address you can configure your devices easily. In this article, we are going to explain some concepts about schedule settings for your device. When we are talking about schedule settings, we mean to say that you can manage the working hours for your devices. Go for the right steps here for enabling the media sharing for a tplink wireless router.
Before you make login to tp link modem device, make sure that your devices are connected accurately to computer device. You can also use default login user name and password for your device access and can also factory default your router device.
Here are the Steps for Schedule Settings for your TP-Link
1. Access tplink modem login page from your computer device using http:// web address.
2. Fill the login details and click on “Enter” button.
3. Under configurations you will find options for “Access Controls”.
4. When you click on “Add New” option, you can configure new access controls for your tplink modem devices.
5. First you will need to give a short descriptions for your tplink modem devices.
6. After that you will need to fill day, time and modify settings for your modem device.
7. For the “Days” you will need to fill the days for which you will need to fill the days you will need configure access controls.
8. After that click on “Save” button and save the access controls for your tplink modem devices.
If you want to configure all these configurations to your device then you will need to power cycle your device. Remove power supply for your devices for few seconds and then you can start using your tplink wifi router and modem devices.